avowed Orange Nationalist and fan of Hitler, Donald Drumpf, is about to step back in the Nazi White House as Derp Führer and stink up the joint
A confused erection for odd reasons.
I was sitting on the couch and a friskies commercial came on and I got derp dick.
A male that has sex with a female and to get her pregnant and proceeds to never see her again.
derp man elite was never seen by her again.
used as a substitute for speech regarded as meaningless or stupid, or to comment on a foolish or stupid action.
Lower tax rates and far lower job creation. Derp
An insult meaning something , and/or someone is being stupid or is stupid or dumb
Me. I am a Derp. That is my nickname. Literally, that's me, I'm Derp Why did you look me up though?
Friend: "Hey Derp, how are you?"
Derp: "I'm good how are you?"