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ball dusting

ball dusting
bawl duhs-ting

1. One who ball dusts usually assumes they are superior/the alpha male.

2. When a male sprays his crotch region with cologne/body spray in an attempt to impress women.

Example 1: Chad and Brad were conversing about how fast they could shotgun a natty light when Ryan said he could beat them in a shotgun race. Chad and Brad objected Ryan’s claim and ignored him the rest of the night in fear they would be beaten in a shotgun race.

Example 2: Any middle school boy after gym class that owns Axe Body Spray.

Sentence 1: “Did you see that chach cock block Mark?”

“Yeah, that guy for sure dusts his balls.”

Sentence 2: “Wyatt dusted his balls before he came to the party because he wanted to get some sippy from Betsy.”
“Ha ha ha, what, are we in seventh grade again?”

That chach for sure partakes in ball dusting.

by tMcnodz January 18, 2018

spunk dust

When a man is so old the semen he produces splurts out in dust clouds rather than blobs of sticky glue, full of swimmers

George had been watching babestation at work and left a pile of spunk dust on the floor

by aidenchomel June 26, 2017

southern dusting

When you eat out an old lady

SK gave Edna a nice southern dusting at the cracker barrel after church.

by Dbayne30 August 27, 2021

Heifer Dust

The origin of the term HeiferDust (aka Heifer Dust) was a common saying during the 1920’s to 1940’s. The term was used when someone was talking nonsense or rubbish, and the other person calls them out.

HeiferDust has also been linked to a
Spice, seasoning or a rub for meats, vegetables, etc. There are a few different recipes online. There is also a seasoning or spice company with the same name.

An example of this saying can be found on the 1969 tv series, High Chaparral in the first 45 seconds of the “Widow from red rock episode.”

Our grandfather who was born in 1899, used the term frequently in the 1970’s when all of the grandkids were being loud, he would get over stimulated and say “awe HeiferDust” then ease on out of the room to a quieter area.

I make the best chili in the entire world! Someone would then reply to you by saying “that’s heifer dust!

by Hi liner November 22, 2020

crap dusted

Thanks to Rob and Big. Like Crop Dusted...but not.

When someone walks in front of an unexpecting victim and farts...the person then begins to notice the crime.

Could also be called a drive-by pant bomb

John: Dude...what..no..honestly? You crap dusted me man??

by sisterrevolution February 16, 2009

Nut dust

Nut dust is dust/dead skin/or glitter coming from the nuts/balls

Ew wtf he got nut dust all in my face!

by Gremlin1 July 16, 2020

Nut dusting

The act of talcing ones nuts on hot days for comfort.

My balls are so sweaty in this heat, I should have done some serious nut dusting this morning.

by Murrkin June 18, 2017