people who think too much about gender
Bob it confused in life because he was surrounded by gender niggers while growing up, so he became a total lost cause when it came to forming healthy relationships with others, because gender niggerism warped his whole view on people.
a shit that should be extinguished
gender violence, It can be from the man to the woman and from the woman to the man
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When someone changes their βgender identityβ to suit the current situation.
Kevin, who was born as a male, decides he identifies as a female, as the queue for the ladies toilets is shorter. Making Kevin a gender whore.
A person that capable of telling if a person has a shlong or a snatch
Damn man ur gender wise af. I would have never guessed that was a doode
The gender spectrum is a diagram of gender identity and is more inclusive than the gender scale. As opposed to having only two endpoints, male and female, and then some gray area in the middle, the gender spectrum includes people who are genderfluid, androgynous, more masculine, more feminine, trans, etc.; It is represented as as a sort of circle split into thirds by three arrows. One arrow, labeled x, represents a male gender identity. The second represents female gender identity, labeled as y. The third, labeled as z, represents a neutral or androgynous identity. Through this, the gender spectrum allows for those with non-binary identities to be recognized.
The gender spectrum helped me explain my non-binary gender to myself and peers.
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Someone who engages in same-sex activity; members of the LGBTQ+ community like gays and lesbians who are discovered by the Republic of Gilead are sent to the Colonies or hanged for Gender Treachery in the The Handmaidβs Tale TV series.
Ofglen has been genitally mutilated as punishment for being a "gender traitor."
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Literally the same thing. In 2021 because the radical left took over, everyone's IQ and mentality is incapable to understand that those 2 are the same thing. One is based on human stupidity and overcomplication whilst the other is factual. If this western craziness won't stop we're doomed.
Some idiot: "gEnDeR&sEx aRe nOt tHe SaMe, GeNdEr iS a SoCiAl CoNsTrUcT"
Based person: "Did you not have a dad?"
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