A term used to describe escape or relief from a situation.
My friend: You really came through that bout of pneumonia really well.
Me: Yeah, there's really no "get out" from this miserable life.
your mom get out of house to get water but came back after ♾️ years
Heaviest all all things. Heavier than anything else.
That box is heavy as all get out!
if you can't deal with the pressures and difficulties of a situation or task, you should leave others to deal with it rather than complaining.
He advised her to get out of the kitchen if the pressure became too much.
When a little weasel can’t stay awake in a work truck
Ozzy stop getting your lips out
An intruder has entered your bathroom.
A performance parts of FELLATIO feels REAL GOOD.
Finally coming out as see how good HOMOSEXIALITY feels that you go FAG FAST as it's in the music.
A leader finally takes charge.
WOW nice head ELON as , off the record GET THE FUCK OUT GET OUT MY HEAD!!!!
I did not tell you BOBBY there is SHIT on my COCK , this is on the record GET THE FUCK GET OUT MY HEAD.
OK, ROY, GET, OUT MY HEAD!!!! OK, ROY, GET OUT MY HEAD. The legend of the PENIS as I am HAPPY a room without a ROOF covers BOTH HEADS , congratulations welcome to FAGLAND.
Who is in charge around here , GET OUT, MY HEAD!!!;
If you are on FACEBOOK and this UPPER ESCHELON is showing you are a STUPID PEOPLE as exception as not counting the BACK OF HEAD.
In the lower ESCHELON ALL MALES drop your PANTS and dive bell SEEKERS females DROP your pants.
FEMINIST ZOMBIE ELLEN says it's a new edition on CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY showing they are in charge of the UPPER ESCHELON HEAD.
Just like me GET OUT MY HEAD as I am STUPID PEOPLE too.
OK, is that an order, SHANE CODD the great FISH GOD GOD ARIANA GRANDOSITY as we will GET OUT MY HEAD but SHIT CLICKS to as dive bells as DIVE and protrude your CLIT HEAD.
As see FEMINIST ZOMBIE is in charge GET OUT MY HEAD as they order all the MALES to assume the LOWER ESCHELON position while their UPPER ESCHELON HEADS prosecute as many NALES as possible as it is a code word (GRAB THEM BY THE COCKY )