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Goon Tunez

Straight up hip-hop or R&B or Rap. with the heavy bass and the lyrics that don't make sense, but the beat is catchy and therefore all the Goons listen to it.

"damn dude! did you hear what those black guys were listening to?"

"yeah man! straight up Goon Tunez".

by JOMLAS September 18, 2010

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Goon bitch

When doing drugs there will always be that person who lays down where ever they are and won't do shit. This person is a goonbitch. Goonbitches usually care only about themselves and make no effort to hide it. Most will try to take advantage of you in some way or cause you trouble in an activity.

Goon bitch: "Yo you think you could spot me for that green we just smoked?"
Friend: "Man I've spotted your ass like 50 times you goon bitch."

by Mr. Peezy June 24, 2009

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A person without any athletic skill or coordination whatsoever. Who is way bigger than you and uses this advantage to beat you in sports/life anyway.

Alex: Ryan is such a goon.
Grason: Yeah, he has no skill but his massive size makes him own us in every game.
Alex: Yeah, let's go remind he that he is a goon.

by Grason B. February 20, 2006

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Goon Gap

A significant space between the teeth of a typically overweight redneck/country hick

Pete: "Look at the big ol' fuckin' goon gap on jim eh bud"

Jim: "Dicker' off Pete"

by LardKing April 8, 2015

Goon gobbler

1. A prostitute known for giving blowjobs in exchange for one to two bags of crack cocaine.

We picked up a goon gobbler on Broadway last night, she was a two bagger.

by Damius Muse August 11, 2021

Prune Goon

A man who likes getting laid by older women.

Man, that guy Benjamin is a real prune goon. How old was that lady?

by Nighthawk69420blazeit December 2, 2021

good goon

A person who cares about his future and knowledge and also well-being; but will spazz out if need be.

Yo my mans A.R. A good goon, going to college and shit

by The Basedlord February 2, 2015