A popular saying in Memphis Tennessee," A hamster never forgets." Meaning you will remember what a person has said or done just like hamsters who are known for having a good memory.
A hamster never forgets because they have a good memory.
Looks a bit like a mythical Scottish haggis. Could also mean hairy beaver.
That's a nice furry mott hamster you've got there. Can I stroke it?
It is worse than ANY INSULT in the world.
John:Ur mom gay
Carl:ur dad lesbian
John:your granny granny
John dies and is now sent to planet X-790
Ur hamster homo is the best insult to end any argument.
To jerk-off. Male masturbation.
I'm gonna need to hug my hamster all day after heather gave me the worst blue balls last night.
The cardio of choice of pigeon simps. They're on it all day, every day, wasting their time, money and lives for mediocre pussy they usually never get. No wonder they're so skinny.
I was on the hamster wheel of pussy till I let a tranny suck me off and learned we're all a little bi and now I like to fuck women who beg for my dick when it's not dominating some big muscled submissive dudes like Buck Angel.
On the 17th of january, everyone celebrates the national hamster day by changing their profile pictures to a hamster!
National Hamster Day