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Yuvabharathi International School

Gay ass school with no proper aircon. Got pee everywhere in the toilet and damn fucking noisy. The teachers damn inconsiderate and also look out for some CB chers annoying ass scolding ppl for petty mistakes

Boy 1: Where you study?
Boy 2: Yuvabharathi International School.
Boy 1: Good luck.

by that average student August 21, 2021

International milf day

It the 4/20 or April 20th
Everyone is required to take a photo with their hot mom and put it on their story.

Damn, I can't wait for international milf day

by Dxrmal on sc June 4, 2021

International Skye day

A day dedicated to Skye and only her.😁😁

Happy international Skye day!!

by Skye.21 March 8, 2021

swans international school

its a fucking shithole. the bell makes you think theres a fire every time it goes off. students are assholes who probably dont even know what being polite means. teachers get paid a lot for doing absolutely fucking nothing, and cant get over about glorious their students are. the only thing they are REMOTELY good at is sports. except for volleyball. they suck at volleyball. maybe they have it or forgot or they put all their money into usless teachers, but theres no AC. so you are respectfully fucked in the summer.

dont go here if you value your mental health.

if it smells like sweat, money, ego and pissy bitches, youre probably in swans international school.

by raraomamaarara May 19, 2022

International school almere

A school where the teachers and students make it seem better than it is to new students but in reality it’s just full of dumbasses who surprisingly pass. Everyone in the school is fake and everyone knows everyone. So your shit will get leaked. After myp5. You are obligated. To hoe around at the school parties.

girl one: oh she’s speaking English. She projabky goes to that international school Almere

Girl 2: fake ass

by dumbwhore1636 November 9, 2019

International Bromeliad Society

Name of the world renowned American Indy rock band created in 2008. Known best for their song "Pineapple Surprise." Abbreviated as IBS.

Hey, did you see International Bromeliad Society on Wednesday, it was pretty clean if you ask me.

by QT_PIE123 November 22, 2009

Angels International College

Probably the Best School in FSD Pakistan (if you're a rich kid, if you're not then it's not for you lol).
Has literally every type of school kid and teachers, and has one of the most Showing - off douche bags students of all time, who think they're the most loved students of the school (except they're not). The Owner is kind of a douche-bag too, who thinks he owns the world.

(posted by an ex-student)

"Hey I studied from Angels International College."
"Whoa! Dood that's so cool! You must be so smart!"
"Fuck off."

by DudewithaD69 October 24, 2019