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jennifer thick

Jennifer is a fine ,beautiful , sexy , hot , gorgeous girl she’s thick asf & makes all the guys want her they’ll be lucky if they had her & if you do don’t let her leave , keep her you’ll never find someone like her.

Ohh look at At jennifer thick she so fuckin fine

by Jessica Romeo March 1, 2018

jennifer fernandez

A wonderful women. Named after the legend jennifer nandez, the god of the beauty.

Jeniffer fernandez is a beautyfull women inside and outside.

Jeniffer fernandez is also knowns as a good mom and a good wife

Oh theres jennifer fernandez, isn't she beautiful!?

by Filipino1957 June 26, 2017

Jennifer Grant

An old lady

Jennifer Grant is on her pension and is enjoying retirement

by Cool Kid 29103 December 27, 2022

Chris and Jennifer

They share a feeling of deep or natural affinity. This may involve similarity, love, romance, platonic relationships, comfort, intimacy, and compatibility with the implication of an exclusive lifelong bond, so when apart they will commonly see each other in dreams.
They hold the connotation of being the strongest bond that one can achieve.

For them, being quiet together is comforting like a fluffy down blanket on a cold winter night. Whether they are on their phone in the same room, or driving in the car, there’s a quiet peace between them.
They are each others fellow traveler on the journey of life—they need one another to grow beyond the limitations of their individual selves.

People think they're a perfect fit. But truly they are a mirror for each other, bringing attention to everything that is holding the one another back, so they can change their life.
They will tear down each others walls and smack each other awake. they come into each other's lives just to reveal another layer of one another, and then leave.
They're purpose of meeting is to shake each other up, tear apart one anothers ego a little, show each other's obstacles and addictions, break each other's heart open so new light can get in, make each other so desperate and out of control that they have to transform their lives.

Wow I wish we had a bond like chris and jennifer

by Glowinthedarktampons April 1, 2021


Jennifer-ann is a piece of hot ass, she got that bunda fr fr and yea she got a phat bunda but have u seen her smile??? it will blow u away 10 ft in the air. Jennifer anns are sweet and funny people but with a very sensible and organised side, they want nothing more than to have fun and go wild as much as they wanna sit at home with a cup of matcha and watch Marvel movies all day. Jennifer anns are ur best friend and will always be there to lend a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on!

Damn look at that bunda who is that?

Bro thats jennifer-ann she so fine dayummmm!!!

by meowiya November 22, 2021

jennifer pham

A girl that is fab,A girl that is derpy =Jennifer Pham

Jennifer Pham is so derpy and fab :D GURL I KNOW xD

by The Fab Jen xD May 31, 2017

Jennifer Lopez

wait who ?

who tf is that « Jennifer Lopez » everyone’s talkin about

by sayyoullneverletmego February 21, 2022

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