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just the tip

The plea you use when in a total twist of fate, you finally decide to have sex with a dude after three years of celibacy and he won't have intercourse with you.

You: I'm ready. Let's have sex.
Dude: I can't. I made a promise to God.
You: C'mon man, just the tip. God won't know.

by thundersnow December 8, 2010

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That's just how it be


Dang man,that's just how it be

by I'm your plant daddy April 17, 2018

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it's just words

Words with nothing behind them, bragging without actions, empty words.

Donald Trump on Sexual Assault Remarks: 'It's Just Words'. "I've said some foolish things, but there is a big difference between words and actions."

by bob_frightened April 8, 2018

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The late eighties and early nineties original gangster rapper from Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Was one of the first New Yor's MCs Had a mouth full of gold, and was down with KRS-One. Most popular song, "Put That Record Back On". A really rare album is The Desolate One. It's just that tight.

Put on Just-ICE. He's dope.

by Jenetic October 6, 2008

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When you repeat a previous statement with the word "just" inserted to make it seem even more correct.

You never go to class the day after, you just never go to class... Nice just-ification stevie

by Wayward Penguin January 21, 2011

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just a phase

what parents in denial say when their child comes out to them as part of the queer community.

Person 1: β€œHey im gay”
Person 2: β€œIts just a phase”

by WaitThisIsntGoogle January 28, 2022

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That's just not Breakfast!

Created to refer to a sorry state of affairs, which would not be worth getting out of bed for. Essentially, all people with common sense would only arise from slumber from sustenance. So when something is shit, and it's not delicious and made of bacon sandwiches, remember, fuck it. It's just not breakfast.

"Hey baby, I'm afraid your mother is on the phone, your car has been stolen, and there some bills in the post."
"Yeah, but That's just not Breakfast! IS IT?"

by ReverendRyu84 January 11, 2010

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