Laura is the type of girl that always make sure to love sniff you. She once told me "an arse a day keeps the doctor away". the size of the arse dosent matter for Laura, it is only about how well the efficiency is. Lauras life cycle: sleep, eat, love sniff, repeat.
Mom: omg Laura what are you doing?
Laura: Ssniiiiiifffffff
a very hot person who is inlove with gingers
hey have you seen laura?
oh you meen that sexy mf?😩🥵
"You go to your house, and she pulls out a cock bigger than yours"
Got to my stomac
Laura has a gigantic cock wowza😳
Laura es una persona algo pesada y deprimida, no tiene autoestima y le gusta llamar la atención.Sin embargo es divertida e inteligente cuando quiere
The type of person who won't let you sleep in your own bed over Christmas holiday because her Golden Child and his missus and need a larger mattress...but won't give up her queen size bed
Molly: hey are you coming home for Christmas?
Abbi: yes, but I'm not allowed to sleep in my own bed!
Molly: why?
Abbi: laura
The most caring, loyal and trustworthy person you will ever meet, the best friend you could ever have! Du bischd ned nur mine Liebe, sondern oh min besta Freund und drum wünsch ih dir Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, ih bin so froh dass es di gibt.
Leider isch des Gschenk koa Waffeleisen oda a Fahrt in Europapark, ih hoff dennoch, dass as di freut! Mir isch di Idee dazua am Gardasee am Strand koh, wo ih ma denkt hon, dass ih mit deam dir a Fröd macha kann und verdiant hättschas scho lang- und was mir noch wichtig isch, ih möcht nia a Geschenk über an „materiella Wert“ definiera, es hat sich halt dieses mol genau so si solla!