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ask no questions hear no lies

a sarcastic way of saying,"just don't fucking ask."

how was ur date with Lisa?.......ask no questions hear no lies

by bajan_taliban October 1, 2007

44👍 33👎

one lies and the other swears to it

This phrase is used to respond when one person says something you disbelieve, and then another person comes in to support them. The point is that a lie doesn't become more true simply because another person (of similar sketchiness) tries to back it up.

A: No way man, I wasn't even there that day, you can even ask Jimmy, he'll tell you I wasn't there.
B: Jimmy? Oh, awesome, now Jimmy's backing up your story. Well, just goes to show, "one lies and the other swears to it."

by Gyreneisms August 10, 2011

5👍 1👎

Chronologically (krɒnəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)li)

Meaning of chronologically in English:



In a way that follows the order in which events or records occurred.

Pronunciation /krɒnəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)li/

the narrative moves chronologically’
‘The second disc contains the next four episodes released chronologically in the fall of 1951.’
‘The best way is to start chronologically, from the very beginning.’
‘I have selected six paintings ranging chronologically from 1963 to 1995, the year of the artist's death.’
‘The entries are arranged chronologically, with no art-historical or social-historical context to bind the works or warrant such an organization.’
‘The dates sweep chronologically from the mid-19th century to the present.’
‘The chronologically arranged survey began with his small Cubist-inspired paintings of the 1950s.’
‘These can only be more precisely dated through stylistic comparison with more chronologically secure Egyptian works.’
‘He meanders roughly chronologically through his life but permits himself to digress when an incident or thought spurs a tangential memory.’
‘Composing a personal essay does not mean achieving perfect recall and transcribing it chronologically onto the page.’
‘I watch all his films chronologically every year.’

Chronologically (krɒnəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)li)

by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 20, 2022

Hammer Excuse Lung and Lies

Otherwise known as HELL, Hammer Excuse Lung and Lies is a cowardly attempt to escape from obligations by evoking a pretend illness such as Hammer Lung, Black Lung, or Vaginitis.

Wow Dave, you got Hammer Excuse Lung and Lies again and can't take the trash out? OK, hope you feel better bro!

by Ninjaneering February 27, 2023

All Trump Lies Are True.

When the world has quasi-zero reasons to doubt the Liar-in-Chief’s manifold falsehoods, because what he says is false is true, and what he says is true is false—does this arguably paradoxical statement make him a truth-teller or a liar?

Doesn’t the statement “All Trump lies are true.” sound like a paradox? If he lies, this means that what he says isn’t true, which makes him a truth-teller. If he doesn’t lie, this means what he says is false, which makes him a liar. So, is he a liar or a truth-teller?

by MathPlus April 15, 2021

111👍 145👎

Shuo de dao li

说的道理,The shit of the ancient god "otto".
ou nei de shou, hao han.

Hello everyone. I'm Shuo de dao li. I'll show you something you want to see today.

by JustWannaT August 21, 2022

5👍 1👎

gayvid james(lis' father)

billy goat, strikes upon sight

eats clothing when found laying around unsupervised

prefers cotton,
seen very seldom, this creature will peak its head out of the door of the bathroom and u can see it for a second or 3. so if u can, see if u can can catch a quick glimpse of it..

watch out when these are at ur house, they will strike without warning..

by Anonymous February 8, 2003

3👍 3👎