Source Code

Cold Link

When you carbon copy (CC) someone in an email (or other messaging medium) without their permission, where there may be a reason for the person to resent being included; for example if the content of the message is controversial.

Secretary: "Hey, you cold linked me in that message to the boss - why drag me into it?"

Office Worker: "The boss said to tell you you're fired."

by LordScree September 30, 2011

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Former resident of RhyDin. Known to many for his compassion and sense of humor. Cannot die.

SNES Link is never ending.

by Garrodith November 2, 2003

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missing link

The inexplicable phenomenon, when for no rational reason...you go a whole day without taking a poo.

Nick felt perfectly normal, yet he was acutely aware of not having taken a dump nearly two days now. Where was this missing link?"

by drbollocks May 21, 2009

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Link card

A card used to buy food for folks who are very lazy and want to live on welfare and depend on the rest of the state to pay for them. Usually folks that come from rat infested places like North Chicago. Poor excuse for a city.

1.Excuse me ma'am are you going to use the link card because you are holding up the line with them 2 carts full of food. And we only have 2 cashier;s here at Aldi's

by makinde October 1, 2003

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Rhett and linking

When you β€œdink” your dicks together before β€œsinking” them into each other’s mouths in the 69 position

I totally saw Jake Rhett and linking with sam last night. It was fuckin gross

by Scott05r6 March 17, 2018

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Three linked

A drunken three way from a punk rock club.

After the divorce, marvin took skip out and three linked with some drunk punk rocker.

by Bubba viking September 22, 2021

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the SaUsaGe links

what you get to eat when you don't want the hardboiled egg

for the breakfast you get the pankcakes, the cranberry juice, and the SaUsaGe links.

by gloria the nutritionist June 25, 2010

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