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Local Warning

An underground skate thrash band from Emmett, Idaho. Known for their grimey guitars, razor sharp screams, and their ability to play around 200 beats per minute. Also appreciated and criticized by some for their anti-violent lyrics and drug free stance. They have adopted the genre name "Peace Punk."

I hate violence but love punk rock! "then go listen to local warning."

by RuskeAilgur September 4, 2009

Support your local

Phrase used by British football fans against people who do not live close to the vicinity of the location of the team that they support. Normally used as a way to gatekeep club support by implying fans who live locally are better supporters than foreign fans.

Guy 1: I'm a Liverpool fan from India and I've been supporting them for 10 years. I wake up very early every matchweek to catch all the games, buy all the memorabilia and I am saving up to travel to Liverpool to watch a game at Anfield, it's my lifelong dream and I love the club.

Guy 2: Support your local, we don't need any foreigners la

by Netflix & Chilwell February 21, 2023

Lana Local

A Lana local is a person who thinks that they are a stan for Lana Del Rey but only listens to her most popular songs.

That girl is such a Lana Local, she only listens to Summertime Sadness and Video Games

by LanaDelReyBtd October 11, 2023

local barbie

someone who is doing the barbie trends without knowing what a barbie is...

ew local barbie-

by PIXCIDE May 15, 2023

Local PlayGround

A great place for pedofiles

Bob went to the local playground even though he has no kids

by Detective Axew October 29, 2019

Local Group

The best friend group in existence. They have their own language, jokes, everything. Super tightly knit, there is typically a mother, father, and child figure, though these roles may vary from day to day.

Dang, I wish I was part of the Local Group...

I'm going to hang out with the Local Group this weekend! I'm so excited!

by sweetsolanine August 8, 2021

Lost local

Someone who moves to a new place but goes on and on constantly about how great the place was they just moved from. This is typical of northerners who relocate to the south.

He always roots against the home team because he is a lost local and still thinks he lives in Chicago.

by Localhero June 22, 2017