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Pub Lunch

A cigarette that you roll yourself from rizlas and tobacco also known as a rollie

I like to put my feet up on a hamper when I have a few swoos of a burley pub lunch in the treehouse

by Richistheman July 28, 2008

26๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

box lunch

A man who eats his womans pussy, and usually enjoys doing so, provided that her stuff doesnt smell.

Damn, my girl was just begging for a box lunch....i didnt mind giving her one

by Brandon October 21, 2004

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Box Lunch

This refers to the Free Food available to most primary and secondary schools in the Caribbean. This is commonly accompanied with Tampico, Chubby or Zoom juice. Box Lunch is more than a free box of food, but a major part of any one's school life. Box Lunch encourages youths to frequent school. Box Lunch has also been known to cause fights, brawls and major disagreements in school. Besides this common side effect, Box Lunch is the best thing that happened to Secondary Schooling.

Roti commonly known as is the best box lunch.
Box Lunch is called Breakfastes by Hazel Manning.

Wait nah, "box lunch" reach?
Boy, what come for "box lunch"?
Girl, how much "box lunch" you have there?

by Ken d Boss June 10, 2007

32๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

lunch lady

(n.) One who undertakes the menial occupation of serving lunch to minors in school and is generally unattractive and/or hairy. The food served is generally subpar and may or may not contain the pubic hair of other "lunch ladies." Due to the overall degradation of this occupation, all minors whose mothers are "lunch ladies" are embarrassed and must endure all sorts of ridicule from fellow students. Also commonly referred to as one's "bitch."

Shut up, your mom serves me food; I mean, she's the lunch lady for fuck's sake.

by Board of Education May 10, 2006

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lunch lady

Lunch ladies are those females or males who graduate from Lunch Lady Academy (LLA) and frequently uses lunch lady crossing, similar to deer crossing. They're commonly in a bad mood, and to them you MUST NEVER SAY these words, "Oh no, take it back," or the unspeakable will occur. They can fly and serve, while wearing "lunch vest." You may use this to describe one who is being shitty. They can also be supernatural beings similar to vampires and werewolves.

Dude, could you be anymore of a lunch lady, right now???

I said to that freaking lunch lady, "OH NO, TAKE IT BACK!" and she launched herself over the counter and did the unspeakable.

by TheNativez April 6, 2007

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pizza lunch

Lunch that is made up of Pizza, but foreign folks have no clue how to say .

Fatma said, "We get a pizza lunch." Tokachi asked George W, what the fucks a pizza lunch? Does she mean do we want pizza for lunch ?

by Hank Reed January 27, 2005

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double lunch

Mostly in high school where a student take the first and second lunch hours and skips the class that he/she should be in.

I got detention for 2 days because I took a double lunch.

by Jeffrey Moritz March 22, 2006

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