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A shitty phone company that claims to be "The Leader in 5G" with an amazing network and good speeds but all you get is shitty speeds everywhere i mean ffs if you are going to make a real good 5G Network and be a leader of it have good internet speeds man

(Get Verizon or AT&T or even Cricket Wireless)

AT&T Costumer: HEY LARRY AND BEN! Did you see that video I sent earlier?
Verizon Wireless Costumer: Yes! it was so funny what about you Ben?
T-Mobile Costumer: No! I sat there for 10-15 minutes looking at a literal spinning circle I tried turning off mobile data and turning it back on nothing happened called costumer service sat on the phone for 2 hours and 43 minutes
Verizon Wireless Costumer: Oh Damn! Welp.. you should have never got T-Mobile
AT&T Costumer: Yeah you should switch back to Verizon
T-Mobile Costumer: I can't i'm stuck in a contract with them for another year... another year of shitty service! DAMN YOU T-MOBILE!

by a random user that exists February 7, 2023

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mobile shithouse

a Vehicle which is similar to a Larder or a Skoda. Doesnt do 0 - 60, does 0 - 26 and gets faster downhill

taxi driver : (talking on radio)
Customer : Shut up and drive your mobile shit house

by Anonymous October 14, 2003

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When someone cheese puffs your car shortly before, during, or after a rain. Resulting in many orange dots persisting on your car before you take it to the car wash. Side effects of a leopard-mobile include Liono from the Thundercats wanting to recruit you, neighbors yelling cat noises when driving to work, and eventual washing of cars.

(walks in door)I'm so angry! Somebody cheese puffed my car. But since it rained, now it's a leopard-mobile. Also, I'm starting to loathe the month of April.

by Equalizer92 October 22, 2010

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Grats Mobile

1. A figurative vehicle one "rides on" after doing something "1337". This word is often preceded by the phrase "take a ride on (the)". "Grats Mobile" is also used frequently in a sarcastic manner to poke fun at someone who claims to have accomplished something great, but in actually has accomplished nothing noteworthy.

2. A vehicle that is so dilapidated and/or fugly that it is funny.

Noobhata: LOLZ i pwned that nublar!1! roflcakes!!11!!!1!

Pureownaged00d: Take a ride on the Grats Mobile,loser. That took no skill!

by MattW July 28, 2005

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You've stumbled upon one when you see half a dozen robotics club kids come rolling out of their Versa Hatchback into school at 4 in the morning to help a teacher with something. Could also be a really wimpy car that only your seventh grade math teacher would drive.

"Yo, did you see that sped-mobile that Nancy just bought? "
" I'm actually kinda waiting for her to pull out a science fair project from the back seat."

by Antonionionionionionionio January 9, 2020

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Steez mobile

A skate board in which you steez on and or ride.

Well im going into town on my steez mobile.

See that tre-flip on that steez mobile

by Meercat18 March 27, 2009

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mobile crazy

Spending more than $14.99 in microtransactions on a mobile game.

Wow, you spent $15 on a mobile game? You're going mobile crazy over there.

by Ricktron3000 July 16, 2018

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