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name game

yelling out random names when trying to get the attention of hot woman. Who ever guesses the name right wins.

Bill: You see that girl over their.
Steve: Yeah I do!!! Lets play the name game Sarah!Jessica!Meredith!Susan
Bill:Elizabeth!Carol! Robin
girl turns
Bill and Steve: Hey Robin,Robin come here!

by micahman April 29, 2008

27πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

the name Jersey

The best female human being you will posibly ever meet.

The name Jersey is a pleasant name.

by The Best definition maker January 28, 2018

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Name Nazi

A person who spends a lot of time on Internet baby names discussion boards, making it her business to instruct others, in an authoritarian manner, as to what they should or should not name their babies.

The typical name nazi tends to be female and conservative, and will berate and ridicule anyone whose tastes deviate from those of the herd.

Her cautionary catchphrase consists of: "Other children will make fun of your child if you name her that!" Ironically, the brandished, name-teasing schoolyard bullies are most likely to be the offspring of the name nazis themselves, having learned their behavior from their mothers.

She posted that she was thinking of naming her baby "Indigo" and, omg, the board's name nazis all jumped on her.

by Rachaelle June 12, 2006

50πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

boys name

Refers to a soon to be mummy or daddy,
whom aspire to find a name /be inspired by a name. So their soon to be born doesn’t live life as a JOHN /BoB or Muhammad!!! Looking for a Brady or Grant, because of the legendary status.

Gee wiz I’d like a boys name for my little one.

by The New Testament January 14, 2020

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Morons who define their name on urban dictionary and say shit like 'super-smart' or 'has a big dick', sometimes 'someone you shouldn't mess with'.

Guy 1: Did you hear that he said the he said he was kind on urban dictionary?
Guy 2: What a Name-Degenerate.

by Slow internet March 16, 2017

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

name please?

A comment on an internet porn video inquiring an unidentified porn star's name in order to search for more videos by them to fap to.

Anonymous wrote:
Great ass!

creampie47 wrote:
Looks like this girl I used to date but with bigger boobs

vag_guy wrote:
I came twice. Thanks for the upload.

Carl1981 wrote:
name please?

by Patrick Toba November 26, 2014

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UD names

Names found on Urban Dictionary
Most have been taken out of the traditional name books and are so basic and generic, they could be describing anyone!

Only a few actually describe living, breathing human beings that possess those names

My name is Malissa Tiffany Erica Adrianna according to UD names

by Rightoutathebook October 17, 2013

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