The belief that only black people are discriminated or racism benefits only white people
Example 1:
Person 1: You can’t be racist to white people.
Person 2: That’s niggerism!
Person 1: What?
Person 2: Niggerism. The belief that you can’t discriminate against white people.
Example 2:
Person: You hate white people, but claim it’s not racist unless it’s whites hating blacks? Hmm sounds like Niggerism
Niggerism is the belief that all nigger believe the samething, that's why they are all scared of whips because they all believe that whips are evil
Idk what to put but chill Niggerism isnt real Issa joke
The by byproduct of poorly rolled regie bunts, the scuffing of fake jordans, and terrible mumble rap
I saw this mane bumpin that new lil yaugty bruh tossed his roach scuffin my cuz js all i can say is that the niggerance Commenced
A term used back in the slave days.
A black man/woman would be beaten till bruised and bleeding or whipped till the skin breaks.
All because they at too much food and became a useless slave
Cletus- “ That damn boys got niggeritis, go give him some lashings!!”
George- “ Get over here you useless nigger!, Cletus done told me you got niggeritis!!!”
Slave “screams and cries from whips”
A harmless word used to describe an ignorant person that also makes white people jealous of blacks because after 400 years they aren't allowed to say it, but black people are.
Damn I hate niggers! They make all of us blacks look bad!
18👍 24👎
A term of camaraderie between most black people. It is frequently heard when interacting with black people, as well as in black music and their culture in general.
Often an invitation will be initiated by a black person to someone of another race to use the term, since he cannot stop calling everyone he knows "my nigger", even white people.
Whites, however, may only use the term if they are initiated into the black community and perceived as being "down like that".
If accurately used, it describes low-class black people dumb enough to dress, act and talk like niggers. This includes using the word nigger to describe yourself and those closest to you.
Jamal complained that he was not hired for the job even though he was wearing baggy jeans and a hoodie to the interview. What a nigger...
13👍 16👎