Source Code

next level

That Sound Tribe Sector 9 is NEXT LEVEL SHIT

"suhhh! sts9 is on some next level shit, blast off"

by Stsham February 4, 2016

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leveling up

getting high using mushrooms

me and josh were leveling up in the woods yesterday

by life is an std September 7, 2010

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Originates from the surname of current #1 tennis player Roger Federer.

1. Used to describe something that is top-notch, the best something can possibly be in its category.
2. To have complete and total dominance over something.
3. To be totally crushed by someone who is undoubtedly better than you.

1. Guy #1: Dude, check out that girl.
Guy #2: Damn, she's totally feder-level.
2. Microsoft's control over computers is really feder-level.
3. Yo man, the Devils feder-leveled the Lightning last night.

by s.y. January 28, 2007

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Nerd level

(Inverse) normal level, the scale used by nerds to meter how uncomfortable they feel around unnerdy people (ie those with lower nerd levels than themselves)

by poo June 6, 2003

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the next level

some fabled place in business that owners believe exists, but their current staff never seems capable enough to get them there, period

You have done nothing wrong, but we just need to get to the next level, so we have to let you go.

by bendie21 February 28, 2011

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level 1 crook

Spawning from the amazing ad campaign from the hit game Mafia City, a Level 1 Crook is the lowest level character and regarded as inferior to the much better character, Level 35 Boss. The term Level 1 Crook can be used as an insult meaning that someone is inferior to you (implying you are the Level 35 Boss and they are the Level 1 Crook).

Greg: Yo did you hear the new Sheck Wes song Mo Bamba?
Evan: Shut the fuck up you Level 1 Crook.

by pepe_extendus January 6, 2019

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The 4 Levels of A Motherfucker

The 1st level is a basic douche - a guy who thinks he's so smooth and enjoys doing things to get attention like making a fool of himself.
The 2nd level is an asshole- a guy who is has an inflated ego who is totally self centered.
The 3rd level is a dickhole - A guy who also has an inflated ego but has an even bigger over inflated ego. These ones you need to be careful of because they're contagious.
The last level: Motherfucker- These ones are a combination of all and also the mother of all of them. They act like a fool to get a girl's attention. They also will try to ruin your reputation and will quickscope you on COD

The 4 levels of a motherfucker are contagious.

by MaDawgTT February 6, 2015