A condition brought on by military service where the knees hurt beyond what would be considered normal. Usually, the Department of Veterans affairs will deny the existence of the condition so that they can deny paying the veteran compensation. Any injury or aggravation made worse by military service.
My classmate Derrick D. says he suffers from Army Knees and it is difficult for him to sit or stand for prolonged periods because he was a paratrooper.
My knees are in terrible shape because we ran in boots when I joined the Army.
When someone is cappin (lying) so hard that you can't help but laugh and slap your knee
Savvy: they call me the greek freak by all the hoes i get over in Mykonos
Mess: dog, you're straight knee cappin rn
The stage of drunkness that usually comes right before u black out
Remember that time Christy got knee walkin drunk and took off all her clothes just to pee?
A savage kick to the knee, intended to make the recipient collapse.
Ohh man, that was a bad knee gurr. Where's the Tylenol?
All black people are known to have a scar on their knee the size ranges on different people, most darker skinned girls have it opposed to lighter skinned bkack girls because they were in the house so their knees were'nt grazed outside working in the fields. It is a mark of your enslaved ansestors, if you have this you should watch it and feel proud for this is a reminder of your ancestors hard work.
Why do we all have that "mark on knee"?
Its a mark of our enslaved ancestors
1. A way of pronouncing Nipple with a Chinese Accent.
2. A deformed hairy nipple
You’re willing to get on some dirty ass floor to suck some dick, meaning you a thirsty whore. Also that you would do it for a check or for some 3 dollars if you’re broke.
“Are you friends with Jessica? No shes a knee dicker.”
“You’re a knee dicker”