When there is a room full of hens and one of them has a strap on is known as the Mechanical Rooster.
John got pegged so hard by that mechanical rooster last night!
A fourty year old female whom is out of her prime and has to keep a mans attention by licking the rim of his butthole. Aka (rim rooster)
Oh dang look at that rim rooster.
A girlfriend, boyfriend, or sexual partner who wakes you up by performing fellatio (dome, blow job, sucking D) on you.
Damn, you're lucky af! I wish I had a blow job rooster, I wake up hard anyway.
A term used by haters to define a black male who always no matter what put hens (women) in the hen house (sleeps with) with his dynamic swagger.
Hater 1: Uh oh, here comes super rooster, hide ya bitch!
Hater 2: Yeah man I better keep my girl away from him. I know she gonna let dude SMASH!
Hater 1: Man he don't say much to them hoes, he just eye fuck the shit out of them and the next thing you know he SMASHIN!
I would have kept sleeping, if not for the rooster of 3 A.M.
When nature calls in the morning, but it's not you, it's you neighbour...
Having a grand time with his girl, humping away, whilst you're trying get some extra time to sleep.
Once upon a time, you tried to have a quiet lazy Sunday morning...
Some random moans start to emerge, but assumed it's just the wind...
Then all of the sudden, some screams came one after the other, for a good minute or two...
Did it sound human? Am I still dreaming?
Nope, it's the bloody floorboards and walls not being thick enough!
Hence the "Morning Glory Rooster(s)"...
The end.