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biff head smokes like a chimney

roy reminds you of a local factory he lets out more smok than police let nonces out he is a crazy biffhead

by RL lmao November 6, 2019


the most hottest brown person on this planet. he is not racist and he will never say the n word but he can pull both races ongyat . sends joy all over tyhe planet. you meet this guy yk you have met the best person on this planet. the most carting and nicest person on this planet. has the most gineronmsu cock and he really knows how to get a female. he is dfefintrely the rizller.

i want to be roy. aka him

by niggerdiggerpullsatrigger March 26, 2023


A guy whos misterious, always hiding something. He likes running away, disappearing like he has done something wrong. Usually is just that his mind is too active. Smart, sensitive, loves details and is very conciouss. Full of doubts, but talented and with a strong will, impulsive and full of rage tho.

Sad boy who hides his vulnerability. Beautiful small complexion, dark skin, pretty hair, big, sexy hands, big lips. Great kisser!

Bro1 : do you know anything 'bout Roy?
Bro 2 : his missing! Havent seen him in weeks

by cumpleinfinity February 2, 2018


A small person who likes to make fun of other people because deep down he knows he a stupid little shit who gonna get suspended for what he did.

You omg he’s such a Roy

Friend so true

by Big boy Kyle June 20, 2020


Roy is a fake person who you shouldn't waste your time around. He takes advantage of those who have feelings towards him and leaves them later on, making them wonder what they did wrong. He is a messed up person once you get to know him. He may seem sweet at first and you wanna be friends with him, but he isn't trustworthy. He always makes up excuses for his toxic behavior and gaslights you into believing him. Roy is the type of guy to also leave you on delivered and not care about your emotions. If you really want to talk to him, he wouldn't try to engage with you because he has other girls to dm.

Omg I just saw Roy talking to another girl today.

by Akakqk November 21, 2023


Roy is a very loud person who literally screams she has a dark humor and everytime you tell her to be quiet she's gonna be still loud as fuckkk like omg but if you get to know her she's really sweet and kind you can trust with anything

Me: Roy can shut the fuck up like gorl I'm tryna sleep and I can't sleep with your stupid ass being loud

Roy: make me 😒 ass hold

by Izo trinidad January 17, 2021


A word used for the description of one who does not remember Barbra Streisand in times of need.

The common Roy is often found farting in hot tubs, under the covers, in newly established pools, and in various motor vehicles. Such behavior is subject to change based on the Roy’s bean & rice intake as well as the based on the weather.
Finally, the Roy in most famously known for his inclination to roses, particularly the blooming buds that mark the come of Spring!

“Wow, this guy plays bowling like a Roy!!”

by Comfortablynumb June 19, 2020