To be back handed (bitched slapped) by your boyfriend, while you are intoxicated and accusing him of being hitler.
Sam had enough of her drunk ass when she called him hitler and samed the bitch!
when u say two things are basically the same but some bitch ass won’t stop arguing with u
Sophia: brock doesn’t like gays
me: i thought they just made him uncomfortable
sophia: same difference. stop being a bitch ass
it's also basically the same thing, but it's not too different for me to care about it too much
so in other words, same difference
it's also basically the same thing, but it's not too different for me to care about it too much
so in other words, same difference
something a person says when they think the statement they made differs so little from reality that the difference is extremely unimportant
bob: i heard the guy ate a live rat!
mark: actually, he ate a squirrel.
bob: same difference.
Owner and expert operator of "Deez Hands"
Test that theory at you're own risk. Do not attempt to apprehend Dem Hands. You will catch them and they will hurt you.
If you ain't looking for a fight then you need to keep away from Samee BeBad
When something is pretty much the same but in a different situation.
"Mitch is dating another girl who cheats on him,
Same tiger, different suburb"
"That girl is wearing the same dress that Emily owns.. same tiger, different suburb"