A scooby snack is a type of drug that I take on a daily basis in my lunch bag, and is shaped like a dog biscuit. Scooby Snax are banned in most places, such as the back of vans driven by hippies, which is where I currently am as of writing this.
Shaggy was eating scooby snax when Scooby swiped them out of his hands.
Pennies from heaven song. It actually says scooby doobey
"Evertime it rains it rains, pennies from the heaven *Scooby doobey*
Cloth used to clean up after intercourse.
Example: thanks for the lay Marty, can you please pass me the scooby paper?
"Bro did u just scooby my boobie?"
"yeh m8, it was gr8"
Scoobying is when a person pretends to be drunk or high to match how not-sober their peers are. If you have 2 drinks and your friend has 10, but you act as drunk as they are, you are scoobying.
“Emily only had one white claw and is hitting on everybody and falling over, she’s scoobying”
v. to scooby:
1. when you fuck around a lot with a lot of random objects. having a good time doing whatever you feel like.
2. when you mess up in beer pong and you have to sit under the table like a dog.
1. Last night when Andrew was out on the town he was scoobying with some girl.
2. Last night Jimmy scoobied.