A sloth is a man with a big ego but no actual Talents, someone who could play video games or watch the walking dead for 9 hours while sitting on the shitter.makes reviews or fake click baits on YouTube to find his dorito addiction.
Damn, my mothers new boyfriend is a total sloth, he spent my allowance just to get Cal of Duty 3 weeks early!
A person who climbs onto someones wood slowly due to them doing better.
Aye bro you see Josh hop on the Browns bandwagon after they acquired new talent.
Damn bro... I didn't know Josh was a sloth.
A combination of a Slut and a Thot
She's worse than a Thot she's a Sloth
A top who is too lazy to actually do anything, or one that just lays and lets the bottom do all the work.
"...and he didn't want to do anything, he just lay there the entire time." "Oh! He's a sloth top."
A human sized sloth (HSS) is a large, slow mammal that are becoming a plague on our nations urban centers for their inability to cross crosswalks before the light changes, thus leading to tragic accidents and people being late to class.
Human size sloth could also refer to an incredibly adorable human dressed in an equally adorable sloth costume (with or without sombrero). They are largely found in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area, but are believed to have originated in one of the surrounding states.
How many human sized sloths have to die before the campus finally installs pedestrian over passes?! They're just not fast enough!
A term used to describe a person of Central and South American descent (mostly Mexicans) who is lazy and doesn't work for a living.Polar opposites to their cousins the wetbacks
Them motherfucking sand sloths think they can use our taxpayer money to fund their god damn Quinseaneras