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social eating

Unintended eating with friends or colleagues, just for the sake of being sociable and often despite being on a strict diet. Peer pressure usually plays a role as one feels compelled to consume far more calories than planned. Similar in some ways to social drinking.

Bob: "Hey, we're going out to that new restaurant for lunch, want to join us?"
Alice: "Not really, because I'm trying to lose weight, but I will feel like an outcast if I say no."
Eve: "You're about to engage in social eating."

by physicsdude February 28, 2012

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social networking

a place where people hide behind a screen sharing things they did only to post it on online to get likes, comments, followers, ect.

Social networking is the down fall of our world.

by sw1mm1n January 18, 2015

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social vampire

A person that goes around and 'attaches' themself to a person and piles on the affection and attention until they feel satisfied that the person really likes them in return. Once that happens, the person inexplicably moves on to the next 'target' nearly instantly and begins the cycle all over, leaving the last 'victim' confused and maybe a little hurt. These people feel like they're not popular enough and/or need more attention and this social vampirism is their defensive mechanism.

She is such a social vampire; she like just stopped talking to this guy almost overnight and started talking to someone else.

by I Am Jack's User ID December 23, 2005

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Social ghost

A person who strays from society, and has minimal contact with strangers or friends. This type of person usually stays in their house or apartment, and plays video games or does work all day. Usually they are anit-social.

John: Dude, have you seen Frank lately?

Bob: No man, he's a complete social ghost. He stays at his house on a 24/7 basis.

John: Man, he needs to get out and interact every once in awhile.

by naydanger89 February 16, 2011

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social moron

This person, although they may be intelligent, lacks any resemblance of social skills. This person cannot function properly in a social environment and often embarrasses those around them with their attempts at doing so.
This refers mostly to making awkward comments, lacking common sense, or making inappropriate jokes in public.

That pathetic guy in every teen movie that desperately tries to get the girl, but makes the movie goer feel awkward watching him try.

Why is it that guys I think are amazing want nothing to do with me, but every loser, freak, and social moron drools all over me?

by JeccaLynn October 3, 2007

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Social Decay

The state of a city and it's culture when it's population is too great and the subsequent infrastructural/behavioral problems that are associated with excess become obvious. Social decay occurs and can be seen on both the physical level of everyday life in a city (abandoned buildings, vacant collapsing houses, streets in poor condition, etc) and on the emotional state of it's inhabitants (narcissism, social anxiety, paranoia, etc). Typically people are generalized into a vast and generic group called "strangers" and these strangers are often ignored completely (by other strangers) in order to keep the city running efficiently and problems associated with poor behavior suppressed. The only time strangers interact with each other is when one stranger offers another stranger a service or something that the other stranger needs or wants.

Examples of Social Decay:

Stranger A: Would you like a bag for your food?
Stranger B: Yes

Stranger A: Would you like to help out the homeless today?
Stranger B: No

Stranger A: Hey baby, can I buy you a drink?
Stranger B: Sure

Stranger A: Can I sit here?
Stranger B: I don't know man, it's too hard to tell!

Other Examples:

People that are afraid to leave their apartment because of fear of strangers.

People that feel they are eroding but only as an expression of what they see around them.

The overall and overwhelming sensation that everything is collapsing and must be destroyed to start anew.

A car on fire.

Police shooting protestors.

Gang violence.

by Tamed Animals January 8, 2012

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Social life

You probably don't have one if you are online reading this now.

You don't have a social life.

by Jnelsonmarka March 19, 2007

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