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Spanish inquisition

A very sudden and unexpected diahrea that is very fluid and explosive. Often leaks through the butthole

I was eating dinner and then felt the Spanish inquisition coming, so i fled to the toilet but it was too late.

by OFFWORLDSHRIMP March 30, 2023

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Spanish Cantaloupe

an SSW

im a Spanish Cantaloupe โœจheheheheโœจ

by watermelon_queen September 10, 2022

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Spanish Grasshopper

A happy Grasshopper example scream the word out the window ! Spanish Grasshopper!

The Spanish Grasshopper was sleeping in the tunnel .

by Darkstar281968 November 14, 2018

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Spanish Frog

Spanish frog the guy in you class who is a complete retard and has little to no mates and watches granny porn the fucking weirdo

Holy shit the Spanish frog is such a fucking retard

by BIG SUE FROM DOWN THE ROAD November 20, 2018

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Spanish kiss

The act of two people, placing their buttholes directly on each other, and farting at the same time.

Brad and Jackie went to bed, shortly after they Spanish kissed.

by BojanglesBigred January 30, 2022

4๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

spanish tummy

being unwell due to eating food prepared in the bowl of a blocked toilet, or a drink of water containing unrecycled rats piss

that piella has given me spanish tummy,

by vinnny August 24, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

spanish inquisition

When you are at a strip club and the dancer has her back to you & you attempt to grab one of her breasts by reaching through her legs.

I was at Chicks n' Beer in Rosarito and this stripper was dancing in front of me and my buddy gave her the Spanish Inquisition. It was sweet!

by Jimboooo May 15, 2006

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