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Street neighbor

(1) And or, referring to growdy street people who beg or money.

(2) the politically correct term for a homeless person.

Our street neighbors requested some change from us on our way to work.

Gilly is not homeless, he is my street neighbor.

Hey street neighbor, get the hell out of here, so I can move my mother-fucking car, bitch.

by Mike and James Collabo October 5, 2005

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wolf street

A street where boys only suck eachothers dick. A.K.A. there are only gayboys in Wolf Street.

Person 1: I'm going to Wolf Street tonight!

Person 2: Oh, you're fucking gay

by Johnny115 August 20, 2017

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Street villain

Street villains are niggas that are not to be trusted and will definitely try to take advantage of whatever you present to them. They are extra dangerous creatures, and are above thugs. The fact comes from their tendencies to steal without hesitation and scam you without thinking twice.

Street villains either wear beat up airforces or Jordans, only wear Vlone on their torso and wear ripped jeans sagging down. They are extra dangerous and should always be watched no matter what.

That nigga over there just walked out of the Walmart with his other niggas with their hands full of stolen clothes and they just let that nigga walk. He a street villain.

by GodLovesBlackPeople December 31, 2022

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street lord

The street lord is a powerful urban criminal who has under his control entire sections or districts of a city. He can be any kind of thug: drug dealer, racketeer, pimp, loan shark, smuggler etc. This individual is a street lord literally as he is the one who rules inner-city areas, thus he is not your average gangster that you will meet in a tavern. The street lord is often an underworld boss who most certainly is, at least, the one who owns that local as a method of money laundering from his drug deals.

Nino Brown is a street lord of New York in the drug epidemic era.

by Moveyourface January 1, 2014

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Wall Street

Wall Street can only be explained in 3 words Money,Cocaine and sex

The example is that Wall Street is the fucking shit

by Mike Stevan’s October 13, 2017

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street legend

a legend of the streets, some one who has earned respect throughout the streets

mitchone is an ill sick streetlegend

by taylor March 30, 2005

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street arab

a homeless child who has been abandoned and roams through the streets

I left a bag of doughnuts next to my briefcase, but I think a hungry street arab stole it when I wasn't looking.

by malpractice August 23, 2005

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