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VanVleet Classic

When you ejaculate with no hands, or any other forms of stimulation while flacid. Inspired by the nut-worthy 3 pointer by VanVleet in game 3 Raptors vs Warriors.

"Look mommy I did a VanVleet Classic! No Hands!"

by VanVleet June 6, 2019

Modern Classical

A new genre of music that combines modern music (i.e. pop, hip hop) with classical instruments.

“Wow that artist Lindsay Stirling is totally Modern Classical”

“You know that guy who won Britain’s Got Talent? Tokio Myers? He’s so Modern Classical I love his work”

“I’m really getting into this Modern Classic genre honestly. It’s intellectual yet... hype.”

by Leeui_n October 10, 2017

Classic Goringe

A classic example of someone who thinks they're well ard and are willing to prove it.

A classic Goringe isn't scared to aggressively scrap young children if they're in the way, putting them in hospital or crying back to their mum's, he doesn't give a shit; his predation on kids is wide known by the community and emergency services

Person 1: Mate my little brother just came home with a cracked skull

Person 2: I bet it was that classic Goringe who's always lurking outside the Primary School. What a Cunt.

by imapoosey October 13, 2021

Classic Steve

To do a Classic Steve is when someone (usually male) goes away from any work he/she has to do. They usually retreat to; a bed, the toilet, the shower, or they just leave the area.

"No, no don't leave... I can't believe he is doing a Classic Steve"

by Bman111 December 1, 2016

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geto classic

An contest of basketball that is different than a regular game due to the presence of the geto master. Invariably, the geto master is the mvp.

Deshaun threw down some sick dunks in the geto classic but the geto master was even better.

by Bertrand McNally August 13, 2006

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classic ralph

an action, or story, pretaining to the qualities of a man named Ralph Trombetta.

- He threw me off a deck, ahh classic ralph

- me and my sister were allowed one happy meal to share, classic ralph.

by classicralphforlife June 28, 2009

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Classic Rock

The same tired old thing repeated endlessly. Where shitty pop music comes and goes, classic rock stays, and decays in the back of our minds forever.
I have nothing against the people who listen to it, nor do I have a problem with the music itself(however stale it may be), but it seems today, everyone who I meet who enjoys classic rock is a pretentious asshole. People like to say that it's so amazing because it's the foundation of today's music. So now we have someone to hold responsible for the shit on our radio's. Oh, and every single station is an oldies station. How about someone grows a backbone and shows the crowd something new and unheard of.
I, personally, am tired of being judged by these conceited pricks, because "my music is not up to par" with theirs. Deep Purple sucks. ACDC blows. If the people who listen to this would stop critiquing today's music long enough to realize that people were saying the same shit about the music they listen to THREE decades ago, maybe they'd stop being so stuck up.
Creation is not creation unless it's never been done before. Without originality, creation is meerly a repeat of what's been done before. This is probably why our generation is void of any distinguishing characteristics, because we thieve off the prior. Classic Rock is the same as Rap in many respects. Both are tired out cookie cutter bullshit none of us will ever outlive.

"I bought a PURPLE vinyl the other day. 'Tis the best album I have purchased to date. Ay, I believe I will act like a prick now, and claim to be better than everyone I know, because I'm a 16 year old 120 pound kid who's arrogance rivals the heat of the sun. Deep Purple and all other classic rock do rock a mighty fine bit."
"I hate you. Prick."

by FierceGrape April 28, 2006

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