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why did i search "why did i search"

what the fuck is wrong with you

why did i search "why did i search" means a person with no fucking life that searched this up for no fucking reason
Person 1: why did i say this
Person 2: youre fucking stupid

by GayPersonWithNoLife June 29, 2022

When did I ask

The peak of retardation. The ultimate thing said, when you just want to be a complete cunt to everyone anywhere. Specifically used by 9 year olds, or people who sound 9. If you use this, do the world a favour, and never speak again.

"When did I ask"

by PeakofEvolution May 26, 2020

77πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Hitler did nothing wrong

Smart phrase

Ok i got one! Hitler did nothing wrong
Dude thats smart you could become a spokesperson!

by SushiTrash July 7, 2018

105πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

You just did a Foxhound

This saying comes from ancient monks just before going out to slaughter some insolent people. Before the monks would leave they would say "be right back" in such a way it would imply they would be back in a few minutes but in actual fact they would be out for hours.

12:58 - Ancient Monk: gonna brb
12:58 - Ancient Ninja: kk
Ancient Monk is now Offline.
Ancient Monk is now Online.
21:40 - Ancient Ninja: Welcome back?
21:40 - Ancient Monk: Aye
21:40 - Ancient Monk: ;D
21:40 - Ancient Ninja: You just did a Foxhound

by Ancient Ninja August 21, 2010

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Did someone step on a duck?

This is something that you say when someone passes gas audibly. It refers to the similarity of a farting sound to the quacking sound made by a duck.

In some cases, this expression is used by the farter to comically deflect the embarassment. In other cases, it is used by a bystander to comically point out the fart to the general public.

What is that smell? Did someone step on a duck?

by GangerDay July 27, 2010

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

When did I ask?

The thing dickheads use to completely shut down a conversation they don’t really care about. Starts by saying β€˜when’ then the person be confused, and you continue by saying β€˜when did I ask?’. This will achieve hatred pure hatred from the person you say it to.

Lachie: oi Damo, I scored with your chick last night
Damo: when?
Lachie: what?
Damo: WHen dID I AsK?!

by That-one-guy-you-hate March 12, 2020

75πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Rosie Posie did it again

This iconic quote was said by BLACKPINK's Jennie to member RosΓ©, basically a cute inside joke among the BLINK fandom.

RosΓ©: *spills water*
Jennie: Oh no Rosie Posie did it again

by Clary MariaπŸ’Œ November 15, 2021

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž