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Bruce Banner

Originating in the Boston area also known as Bruce Banna. Any brand of Beer.

Pick up some Bruce Banners on your way over. Local Example: Pick up some Bruce Bannas on your way ova.

by Dustin Gariepy November 16, 2005

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Drop a Bruce

To take a huge shit/dump

"After school im going to go home and drop a bruce" Chris Gabriel

by Josh Gooch October 27, 2007

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Bruce Willies

1. An Actor, who has starred in pretty much any movie worth seeing.

2. Possibly the coolest man alive.

3. Doesnt seem to show much interrest into the plot of the movies he stars in, as long as he can kill some terrorists.

4. The hugest sex object. In the world. Ever.

Dude1: Omg, you are watching Die Hard? Let me in! Thats the coolest movie ever! I just love Bruce Willies!
Dude2: Sure, join in!
Dude1: He pwns those terroists for real..
Dude2: ... Please stop touching yourself...
Dude1: oh, come on! You'd also be gay for Bruce Willies!
Dude2: ... Yeah, youre right.

by Niels Bundgaard November 14, 2006

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Bruce Lee

The only man ever to walk the Earth worthy enough for Chuck Norris to lose to. See "Way of the Dragon" (1972)

The physical trauma of this encounter is the primary cause of Bruce Lee's death, contrary to popular belief.

Also used as a substitute for badass, awesome, ninja, supa-cool-asian, or a title for something who you suspect is Chinese

Being pwned by Bruce Lee is the second greatest honor known to man

by eohgaoeiuhaj September 9, 2010

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wet bruce

The act of licking someone's face from chin to nose

Cat woman gave Batman a wet bruce.

by Kevin Marlboro December 12, 2006

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mr bruce

Most probably a Computer science teacher. He will be a good teacher and will make people laugh.

Mr Bruce is a good teacher

by Heatro303 January 10, 2018

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Bruce Thunder

Virtuoso vocalist and creator of the ThunderForce, the moniker of Bruce Thunder was born out of the song "Struck By Thunder". Those who cross his path are known to get "brucified". He dawns a leather jacket with leather pants, cowboy boots, and aviators at all times, no exceptions. He has a slicked up flat top hair cut a la Guile from Street Fighter II. He rides a motorcycle indoors and outdoors, with and against the flow of traffic. He is known for his premature ejaculation, which he is not ashamed of because he always goes the "speed of thunder". Because of this, he has many kids scattered throughout the United States, all of which despite being neglected by their father, proudly bear the name Bruce. He's a no nonsense, rough and tough rider with a kick ass way of life. He bathes in the blood of his enemies.

Bruce Thunder kicked my ass last week.

by Dick Thunder February 18, 2009

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