Someone that you will think is in a critical reading class but really is loving not really but his grades are bad
“Oh look that boy Isaiah is in a reading class”
a fat black bitch who can’t shut the fuck up
oh yeah look at that fatass bitch isaiah!
Isaiah is a very nice guy. He may seem a little quiet, but once you get to know him you’ll laugh for hours. He has good taste in music especially Spanish. Has short black hair. likes gay dogs and getting humped by them. A good singer. All in all crazyyyy. You can tell him anything and he wouldn’t tell another soul. A very handsome guy and a very good friend. You’d be very lucky to have an Isaiah in your life. Looks hella asian too.
“i met an Isaiah at a soccer game today bro! he’s one chill dudeee”
a pussy who only gets indian girls and very bad at shooting in basketball. he makes everything more then it is
guy 1: you see that guy over there makeing stuff more then it is he is a isaiah.
A kid who's constantly exersizing, an unhealthy amount and is underweight. Isaiah usually hangs around the group of friends that treat him like literal SHIT. Gets constantly made fun of even though it doesn't make any fucking sense. So yeah man. Terrible friends. 👍
Isaiah has such a small cock!
A dark skinned, beautiful boy with very long limbs. His arms are incredibly long, almost as long as his legs, which are also very long. I've never seen anyone with arms that long before, I'm starting to think he might have a medical condition. He also has a very round, voluptuous, thick ass. He is a very sensual person with a lot to offer sexually. He loves to be the center of attention, as he should be with a booty like that. His buttocks is almost as large as his forehead. If I were a man, I would love to wipe my 'you-know-what' across his giant cerebral. However, he plays very under par games. These games are commonly played by the disabled, which makes me wonder if he is mentally impaired as well.
John: "Wow! That guy over there has such large, paddled feet! What is his name?"
James: "Oh? That man with the giant ass?"
John: "Yeh! That guy with the thicc backside and large forehead!"
James: "I think that is Isaiah! His forehead is so large you could play football on it!"
John: "Wow! Do you think he has a mental condition? He seems a little slow.."
James: "I think he might, I heard he plays Apex and other low-IQ games."