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The skin inbetween your ball sack and your red eye.

My balls are sticking to my chode right now.

by Jim January 23, 2004

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A penis that has the dimensions of a hamburger.

My Asian friend Kevin has the Chinese curse, because he has a chode.

by Anus October 24, 2004

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"He is worse than a beta male, he's the guy who calls you out in front of a girl for your alpha/un politically correct behavior so he can look better than you. He's afraid to be a man so he acts like a self righteous little bitch every chance he gets, especially around women so he can feel good about himself and others may validate how proper and righteous he really is as he thinks this will win the affection of the ladies and admiration of his chosen peers"

"Dude, stop being such a fkn chode and sack tha fuck up, she likes it when I tease her about wanting my cock, ffs

by PUA terms January 15, 2012

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Anything that can't be described by another term.

Dude, look at all that chode over there next to the garbage can...

by A friend of PumpMasterFlash September 18, 2005

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1) Technical definition: A chode is not the area between a man's nutsack and asshole. It is the soft pink walls of the inner-ass-crack, just outside the asshole itself.

2) A person who is a chode is someone who is a douchebag but doesn't know it, and acts like he/she is "cool".

Most commonly refers to oblivious bosses who think their employees like them, and rich white kids who try to break dance. If someone makes you and your friends do the "durr, durr" retard impression when he/she leaves, that person is likely to be a chode.

Be advised: YOU are probably a chode if you frequently are the one walking away from a group alone thinking you're cool or down!

Chode Manager: "Hey guys, thanks for working Sunday... so how was your weekend?"

Workers: "great. How was yours?"

Chode Manager: It was awesome! I got a good bike ride in, mowed the lawn, spent time with "the fam". Oh! I got new bike shoes....(rambles on)

Workers: (whisper) seriously???? What a CHODE!!!

by Jag Panzer November 23, 2011

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a short, fat johnson

caleb jones=chode

by Dylan.Gagner January 3, 2013

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chode- the penile :D that's sooo small and fat that it's not even juicy lol :P add me on myspace stefan(dj dripz)

ahhhh dude wtf iz that? ohhh ya it's my chode :D

by dragonass56 January 20, 2010

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