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Send in the clowns

Used in a circus when an unforeseen disaster had occurred, with the clowns being sent in to distract the audience from the problem.

The audience hated the last act. Send in the clowns!

by PapaChango96 March 25, 2007

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clown eyes

overwhelming sadness inside but unable to shed tears

She felt the sharp pain of overwhelming sadness stabbing at her heart and yet could only face the hurt looking through clown eyes unable to cry.

by bobert951 January 19, 2007

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Clown Factory

a) Any government run organization; the biggest clowns usually being those in management. The higher up the ladder someone is, the greater their "Clown Factor".

b) A place where common sense is exchanged for a promotion or management training, (Also known as "Clown School")...thus creating a factory of sorts, specifically of Clowns.

C) A place where the biggest clowns (management), create a circus like environment where incompetance and stupidity reins supreme and filters down into lower management ranks. The entry level workers are left confused, as they still possess common sense, and do not speak "Clownese". The Clowns constantly try to fix that which is not broken in order to justify their jobs, thus turning a happy well-functioning work environment into shit. Anyone with a brain is laid off or fired, and the Management Clowns start creating yes-man clones of themselves in the back room, thus a "Clown Factory".

Also see "Fuckshow"

"The Government is a real Clown Factory!"

"Man, I can't wait to find another job and get out of this clown factory!"

"The management is really turning this place into a Clown Factory..."

by kitten78 April 23, 2010

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clown crack

Low grade crack rocks that are multi-colored or blueish due to the addition of cotton candy into the crack recipe.

Man, this clown crack sucks. Did the Insane Clown Posse sell this junk to you?

by tacosalad2 September 9, 2009

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clown head

A mans head that is hairy on the sides but completely
bald in the middle.

Coreys dad is such a clown head!

by Kayla #1 August 10, 2006

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Hrafnkell the clown

โ€œHrafnkell the clownโ€ is an Icelandic clown , heโ€™s very small and thin and works in a circus called Vรญรฐistaรฐaskรณli,
He loves โ€œTommi the horseโ€ , he is very funny and makes alot of jokes

Person 1: hey can you hear that
*Circus music*
Person 2: hey that must be hrafnkell the clown and his horse !!

by Oh no thatโ€™s very gay March 9, 2020

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Domesticated Clown

a clown or mime that has been raped by elephants so hard that the sweat on his face causes his make up to run off his face.

man, that Jaden Chan is such a domesticated clown! look at his face

by jaden chan November 30, 2010

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