A person you don't want hanging around your house because he fucks up you shit.
Person 1:Please stop braking all my shit you're being an egg monkey right now.
Person 2: Monkey Noises.
Using a simple flick of the wrist, the aggressor strikes the victim square in the nuts with the back of his hand, inflicting severe testicular pain. Approaching moves include distraction, ambush, and the popular sneaky stealth manouvre.
Dude! You should've seen the egg-flap I gave Steve yesterday! It was epic!
A pair of round or oval objects, usually found in the colon, that cause irritable behavior. Bitch eggs have been found to infect male and female colons alike.
What crawled up your ass and laid bitch eggs?
When one man gently caresses (or nestles against) another man's testicles with his big bushy beard.
I bet that guy enjoys his eggs in a nest.
The eggs on toast i had was better than my self -esteem
The only two words that will guarantee someone millions of views on a YouTube video with the use of a popular children's IP (e.g. Frozen, Spiderman, Minecraft). When placed in the title of a video, these words are often crammed in with other buzzwords that 1. are designed to grab the child's immediate attention or 2. manipulate YouTube's algorithm into placing said video amongst other well-made, thoughtfully-created forms of children's entertainment on the platform.
Giant 55 SURPRISE EGG SURPRISE BOXES PlayDoh Frozen MLP Minecraft Cars2 Frozen Mystery Transformers