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Verbal Cameltoe

When you practice no filters while speaking with someone and leave nothing to the imagination. It is the verbal equivalent of a young girl wearing a provocative outfit accented by an eye popping camel toe.

If my husband at work hadn’t used the F word three times, the H word twice and the C word once in front of all his female coworkers maybe he wouldn’t be in the HR office again. He suffers from a bad case of Verbal Cameltoe!

by Daddy big hands September 24, 2022

Verbal Waterboarding

When one verbally complains, corrects or simply makes a point over and over again. The verbal repetitiveness on the side of the receiver can feel like drowning. Especially after an apology or solution has been articulated.

After Terry offered a solution to the problem, Benny couldn’t stop complaining about the problem over and over again. She said it felt he was dumping buckets of words over her head, it was like verbal waterboarding. She added he has 2 ears and 1 mouth…he should use them proportionally.

by Buckets of Fun December 4, 2022

Verbal retweet

See also: verbal reblog

When you directly quote/paraphrase a statement you've seen on Twitter.

Jacob: deviously lick my nuts
Alex: stop verbal retweeting and speak to me

by Dogg13_gutz October 28, 2021

verbal Gerbil

phone sex techinque most often used by the homosexual population

" Man that was really hot on the phone last night, you really got me with the Verbal Gerbil!"

by TaporChoke January 18, 2008

verbally athletic

A person who has a high vocabulary, or can have an ordinary conversation using not so ordinary words to appear more sophisticated or educated.

Tommy sure is verbally athletic because he managed to land a date with Nadine, who is hot, and tommy is not, so he must have impressed her with his knowledge of words and his gift of gab. Verbally athletic.

by Miss.b.havin October 4, 2015

verbal compensation

The greatest bunch of hokey ever conceived as a supposedly acceptable/adequate alternative to monetary payment or actual physical labor to recompense someone for goods/services that he's provided. Even if it was agreed beforehand that the person's assistance would be performed at no cost, too many moochers take advantage of this practice by knowingly/grossly underestimating the amount of time/effort/resources that would actually be required to perform the task, and so the prospective provider is deceived into thinking that the requested task is far less arduous/involved than is turns out to be; he would likely never have agreed to provide his services for free if he'd known the true size/scope of the requested task.

Disgruntled teenager: That skinflint connivin' ol' fart Mr. Jones snookered my buddies and me into "just loading a discarded pile of lightweight foam insulation into the dumpster" for him… not only did he neglect to mention that said insulation was GLUED ONTO PANELS OF SHEETROCK which made them about ten times as heavy, but then afterwards he just gave us VERBAL compensation ---"Great job, fellas... appreciate it! Thanks! I'm really grateful for your volunteering to help out an old weak-muscled geezer like me!" --- instead of slipping us each a ten-spot, the way any decent person would do!

by QuacksO December 22, 2016

Verbally Son

Pure domination in an argument of any kind. Coming from the slang word "to son" which means to dominate in an unspecified genre of competition, a verbal sonning pertains only to conversational situations.

Did you see David verbally son that girl in the argument during class today? He really knows his stuff!

by FilosopherStond April 21, 2009