A creature of myth, thought to have maybe existed in the far past. It is widely agreed that this creature has gone extinct, and is now nothing more than a legend.
Stupid bitch: Don't you have a will to live?
Reasonable person: My will to live? Don't be stupid, no such thing exist. Gimme death.
A type of environment in which a group of people, typically a family, will live together sharing resources, and raising children as one unit. This is typically seen in impoverished areas of the world where food and money is scarce among individuals.
Speaker 1: How did Andrew and Tristan Tate get so wealthy?
Speaker 2: They do clan living bro
An exciting bi-weekly live show hosted by Frankfurt International School's Student Media Team featuring live performances by the schools talents and pre recorded videos focusing on up and coming technology as well as past school events. A must watch on FISTV's YouTube Page!
Sean: Wow, have you seen the new episode of Tonight Live?
Max: No bro, what happened?
Sean: It was sheer dankness bruv - you really missed out on something!
Any time bad stuff happens in life, it’s just like 2020 - a crappy year that keeps getting worse and worse. 2020 sucks. We have all been living in 2020 on and off for years at this point. Coined by Seamus aka SSoHPKC on Youtube.
*something bad happening in life*
“2020 hit you, man.”
“I’ve been living in 2020 for years at this point.”
To be a person who brings peace and love to humanity one individual at a time.
I'm just a dude living for love.
Rusty Livings is an american professional wrestler. He can be seen on both Idaho's wrest club and utah's Devotion championship wrestling. Rusty is the modern Outlaw, the guy that everyone believes in but will still do whatever it takes to come out victorious. A man that can take an unbelievable amount of punishment and still make you believe that the smaller man, the under dog, still has a chance in the fight. He knows how to use his entire body as a weapon, but be careful because when The Outlaw see's what he wants. . .he's going to take it! Side note. Do not under any circumstances go into the bathroom or be in the same building after this man takes a shit. The smell from a skunk would run if fear compared to the noxus fumes of a hog log dropped by Rusty livings
Rusty Livings is an Idaho hero
To pull a bunk, or skive, from official commitments to play the latest multiplayer game on XBox Live (or equivalent multiplayer network).
"I've got Live Skive tomorrow. Just a few more games to get my 50, then I'll be a General."