Players in the game Apex Legends who choose to exclusively play the Legend Wraith. Especially noteworthy examples feature kill totals from 500 to 2000 and use the "Quarantine" or "Void Specialist" skins.
The name is related to the more common definition of weeabo. In addition to the clear mechanical advantages of Wraith, these type of players favor her Japanese-inspired aesthetics and run animation inspired by anime protagonist Naruto.
I haven't even found a gun yet, but that weeb has purple armor and a Peacekeeper.
1. A person who loves anime and the associated culture without fear of social repercussion - i.e. teasing
2. A person who is like an anime character come to life.
* Can be spotted in the wild due to their exuberant nature and flashy attire or merch gear.
* Online signs of weeb are highly edited photos and the use of "( ꈍᴗꈍ)(♡ω♡ ) ~♪ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ" in communication texts
Originated from weeaboo- non Japanese person who is obsessed with Japanese culture.
Statement: you are such a weeb
Them: (♡ω♡ ) ~♪ omigawd*blushes*
someone who is obsessed with anime waifus/husbandos (/hj) they should touch some grass.
"His friend introduced him to anime and now he's a god damn WEEB"
A weeb is someone such as those who own dakimuras or have at least one waifu
Nicholas, one who browses, enjoys, and seeks to bring others to the dark side of anime
A nerd that never touched grass and cares about his onee-san, also posts unfunny hentai memes..
I am a true weeb!
No your not! Theres no punchline!