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the most handsome man a girl will ever meet, he wont fuck ya chicken strips and he won't break your heart, he also has a more larger then medium peenie and is very smart, that is why he watches rick and morty. ;)

rando 1: "oh my lord! he is such a jack!"
rando 2: " ye, u rite wagwan, he looks like a burly bloke innit blud. like a true lad m8"
rando 1: " he also has a larger then medium peenie and looks like he is smart!"
rando 2: "yey blud, looks like mofo watches rick 'n morty ay lad. true killa unit innit he bruv."

by killa_unit on3 f0ur March 19, 2021

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Is really weird and always wants to acts like a dinosaur because he is insecure about his lack of a tail

β€œOh that Jack kid is coming over”
β€œLet’s go before he sees us”

by Kitkat66642069 March 31, 2018

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Jack's are beautiful guys, inside and out! Usually tall with blonde hair that you want to run your fingers through, and their eyes, don't even get me started! The most beautiful blue eyes that sparkle when they laugh. If you happen to be friends with a Jack, I'm so sorry, cause chances are you have a MASSIVE crush on him. He is the full package and he doesn't even know it, and if you somehow manage to get into a relationship with a Jack then you better thank the heavens and keep a tight hold on him.

Girl 1: "Omg I spoke to Jack today and I couldn't stop staring into his eyes!"

Girl 2: "Wait don't you have a boyfriend?"

Girl 1: "Yeah I do, but this is JACK!!!"

Girl 2: "True, you go girl!"

by Anongirl27 March 27, 2016

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The love of Britney's life.

"Oooooooh, that Jack is so dreamy!"

by fwubfubgilavuebgrwiregjb February 5, 2018

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the realest homie


by CrimsoniaN69696969 June 27, 2018

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The most amazing person in the world

Wow Jack is so amazing and perfect

by Papayas7 December 24, 2016

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Jack is a guy who is the funniest person ever and pull any lady in a second he's short and kinda tan and has a huge cock and can win any fight he has amazing blue eyes and Can make anybody laugh until the cry Jack is just a amazing person.

"Jack got another girlfriend"
"Bro Allison said that Jack has a huge dick"
"Jack is soo funny!"

by ItsYaGirlLaLa September 25, 2018

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