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chicken cow

A beast that comes out when it is 25 degrees below zero. It can rip your head off, it can fly as high as a bird, and it can bite your face. It has killed as many as 100,000 people. It can also stab you in the ass.

The chicken cow attacked my brother. It stabbed him in the ass while he was in the cold. His ass was frost bitten. His ass was also numb.

by willisisgod April 25, 2003

101๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chicken Boo

A jumbo-sized chicken from the '90s era cartoon Animaniacs. He can't fit into the normal society of farm chickens because he is as large as a human- they all run away when he comes near, as shown in his theme song. So he dresses up like a human to try to assimilate into human society. However, his disguises are usually terrible, the worst being just a mustache.

Only one human per episode can tell that he is a chicken; the rest laugh when that one human brings up the subject. But, somehow, Boo's costume always falls off, and the people find out he's a chicken. They usually maul him afterwards, and he goes back to his farm.

Boo was created on the Animaniacs episode "Taming of the Screwy", where viewers heard a man saying "He's a giant chicken, I tell ya! A GIANT CHICKEN!" while the storyline takes viewers through a hallway at the Warner Brother's studios.

Chicken Boo, what's the matter with you?
You don't act like the other chickens do!
You wear a disguise to look like human guys
But you're not a man; you're a chicken, Boo!

Chicken Boo, what's the matter with you?
You don't act like the other chickens do!
He's jumbo-sized, and he wears a disguise,
But he's not a man; he is Chicken Boo!

by KikiriBoo March 23, 2013

27๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Trap Chicken

The type of girl thats skinny, would be pretty, if you couldnt tell shes done so much meth shes picked her face raw, and her legs are so tiny that she has a hard time walking it looks awkward... Like a chicken. The type of girl you see hanging out at trap houses.

Absolutely NO Trap Chickens allowed.

by ThatGirl88 January 18, 2017

28๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

gay chicken

A game played with straight people to see who has more balls, metaphorically. the game is played in several ways. The most simple, and weakest, is the kiss. One 'player' moves in for a sensual kiss until one of the 'players' backs off. I've seen this lead to tongues but someone will always pull away. Another way gay chicken is played is by groping the other 'players' genitals or breasts or anything you can get your hands on. The most common form of the game is gay pillow talk in which each interaction escalates until someone laughs or just can't respond. Lastly, 'players' can initiate dry humping sessions. Hardcore 'players' will use a combination of three tactics to win the game. Some have been known to even use all four tactics at once. This plan of attack is very tricky.

Joshua is the King of gay chicken. I saw him pulling down Daniel's pants while he was kissing his neck. Then he proceeded to dry hump him as he tried to run away with his pants down.

by Casey L March 7, 2007

2193๐Ÿ‘ 398๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tickle Chicken

Ark: Survival Evolved gamer slang referring to the Therizinosaur, a very strong feathered chicken-like dinosaur with very long claws. It is especially notable that one of the Therizinosaurโ€™s attacks is one when it wiggles itโ€™s fingers in a tickle-like way.

Beach Bob โ€œAww that Dino looks cute!
Me, an Intellectual โ€œDonโ€™t go near that Tickle Chicken youโ€™ll Aggro it and itโ€™ll kill you!โ€

by Gamer4200 December 19, 2019

20๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

chicken vegeta

What you order from Mcdonald's when you're extremely high, and read fajita as vegeta, and spend the whole time waiting for your food thinking of Dragon Ball z

"Welcome to Mcdonald's what can I get for you?"

"Umm, do you guys have hot dogs"


"Oh, for real? Can I have a chicken vegeta then?"

by Jay Ferrari February 2, 2009

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Broken Chicken

When someone's face looks like complete shit.

Guy #1: Yo dat chick looks fiiineee from behind.
Guy #2: True, but her face looks like Broken Chicken.

by Joey12908 November 18, 2010

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