JoJo is reffering to two things, first, the series "Jojo's Bizzare Adventure", also known as JJBA, it is literally the definition of heaven and I'm still waiting for chapter 109, the second is a person who's first name starts with: "G", "J" or "H" and last name starts with: "J", "K", "H" or "G", also anyone who's the 2nd definition of JoJo is an absolute gigachad.
Jimmy: "Yo bro I just heard that John is a JoJo!"
Tommy: "Oh that explains why he has 54 girls after him and constantly fighting to show that only 1 of them are allowedd to simp for him!"
All k JoJo fans in existance: "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!"
A Nick name Given To people Who Work and or Doing Drugs that's Name is Joe or Joseph.
Jojo is someone with a big head and still slow . She is very short and funny . She’s most likely darkskin or browskin with dark eyes .
a girl who likes to sing songs by the famous fanon character, Shabnam.
JoJo is making me some macaroni and cheese, topped up with pink chocolate sauce, which is going to be soooo yummy!!