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cost and management accountant

Person Having expert knowledge in Costing, accountancy, management affairs, taxation, finance and Study with huge sacrifice and practical knowledge

Cost and management accountant is profession who is made by Parliament of india

by Yashimsk November 25, 2021

Nut Account

typically private Instagram account in which the use is to follow scandalous or explicit accounts. Not wanting to appear in the main account. in the use to nut to the pictures posted.

Dude my nut account is a certified nut I never use Porn now!!!!

by hoodwinters January 27, 2021

Cypriotic Accountant

An accountant that will rob you.

This guy was left with no money, his attorney robbed him like a cypriotic accountant.

by Tay Cint February 11, 2024

Accountability Resistance Syndrome

When a person who is obviously guilty continues to profess innocence regardless of overwhelming proof of their guilt. A drunk driver who denies being drunk after getting in to an accident, blows over the limit on a breathalyzer, and has witnesses confirming they were drunk will be a person exhibiting "Accountability Resistance Syndrome"

A child holding a crayon, covered in crayon marks, who was caught writing their name on the living room wall that denies vandalizing the wall is experiencing Accountability Resistance Syndrome.

by Kooriki May 2, 2024

cost accountant

A cost accountant or CMA( Cost and Management Accountant ) is a person experts in the field of commerce , Cost , and cost audit.

Cost of any product is being determined , evaluated , or originated by Cost Accountant

by cmayashsoni November 28, 2021

special accountant

A special accountant is basically a stripper. Mainly came from the social media app Tiktok.

A day in the life as a ✨special accountant✨“

by zyoyzy September 12, 2021

Special Accountant

A stripper. This term came from the social media app, TikTok.

A day in the life as a ✨Special Accountant✨.“

by zyoyzy September 12, 2021