Da "hanged if you do and hanged if you don't" fact-of-life irony regarding how a sizeable sector of da female populous treats any dude who shows interest in them romantically --- i.e., if a guy gets da idea from a gal's attitude/behavior towards him dat he should just mind his own business and not court her, she'll bawl and blubber dat he is making her feel ignored and unvalued. Yet if he then hastily begins persuing her in da naive belief dat this is what she wants, she'll go "bawlin' and blubberin" to da COPS and tearfully accuse him of harassing her! Can't win... :P
I always tread super-carefully when approaching a new lady for companionship or intimacy --- seems like Murphy's Law of Attentiveness is often lurking just around da corner to pounce on me and give me undeserved grief!
It's effectively more or less synonymous with Constant Partial Atention.
So much to do, man, all you can do these days is give CPA to all of them. That way at least everyone gets periodic full attention (PFA).
Cautiously/hesitantly observant, cuddly and/or assisting, etc.
One should be very attentative around macho guys and feminists, since they often are fiercely independent.
This is for people who make up their own lispy sounding words but means same as attentive.
Lu lu is being very attentative to Eric's needs.
A headache you get from not getting enough attention
Hey bro nobody is texting me, I’m getting an attention headache. Thanks for teaching me this word Mike Davis
A bitch that always want to impress her friends but is really a dick rider
Khyia is a attention wanter and a dick rider
A person (da cutest kitten) who trys to stay relavent when they really aren't
Oh look its the attention hogger again
Oh look they said something and left what a surprise