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When you have won a game of bingo and the game carries on because there are prizes for second and third

I had already bingoed so Beryl and Joan played on for the placings.

by Simo March 21, 2018


getting beaten in a particular activity

Bro, You just got bingoed you're so bad!

by godgamerblen April 11, 2022

Bingo Arms

When you raise your arms and they're flabby

Me: Hey mom, can you get me a bowl
Mom: *raises arms*
Me: Nice bingo arms

by Ddlicious July 18, 2013

Piers Morgan Bingo

Piers Morgan Bingo is a highly intellectual game that is played by the most intelligent of our society.

It involves a bingo grid with phrases that Piers Morgan has said recently.

Thank you Piers Morgan! That's another off the Piers Morgan Bingo list!

by Bingo Overlord April 15, 2023

Bingo Spoon

A bingo spoon is an oversized party spoon given away as a prize during psychedelic trips. It has all of the best properties a spoon can have (smooth, comfortable handle, etc). Bingo spoons also appear in the wild. For instance, the cow on the cover of Ben & Jerry’s cookie dough ice cream is holding a bingo spoon.

I won a bingo spoon at the New Year’s Eve party and built a custom wall mount to display it in my kitchen. Ahh, memories.

by Hawkeyemagoo May 10, 2021

Headboard Bingo

Multiple couples living in the same house or camping in the same cabin see who can wake up the other couple/couples first the most days during the length of their stay.

Damn they beat us to headboard bingo this morning, They’re really going at it huh?”

by Real_Slim_Shadyn June 20, 2020

bingo balls

when you pinch the scrotum between the testicles and pull them up and down fast. Thus creating a bingo balls bouncing in a air bingo device effect.

Jill was giving me bingo balls last night.

by Tommy boy 70 October 26, 2017