Source Code

Butter Boots

when spider man is slowly approached from behind by his father, a large African-American man from the east side, south of Compton just as a man with a "whats over there penis" attempts to J-hook it in to spidermans rectum as his father texts CHa-Cha, asking if any women have ever had one of their boobies accidentally ripped of while at a Sting Concert and is now forced to work at ihop (Ha Ha get it!!!)

AWWWW thats my batman!!!

.............butter boots

by Niggabob Funpants January 21, 2012

David Boot

Informally known as a unit of measurement.

The measurement is about 10 to 12 inches (254mm to 304.8mm) no one really knows.

Commonly used in alcohol induced mechanics.

The radius of that tire looks to be about three David Boot.

by DrunkenDefinitions December 18, 2019

Boots Loose

Any type of high.
Being in a temporary state in which one's physical and mental faculties are impaired.

"Dude, are your boots loose?"

If the person is drunk/high, "Yeah man, my boots are way loose."

"Everything smells like hemp lotion when your boots are loose."

"I got the munchies cause my boots are loose."

by Nick and Amanda February 17, 2009

In Ya Boot

A non-derogatory phrase to express disagreement with an occurrence or statement. The phrases origins are from the boot of an AFL umpire.

How was that 50!?! He barely touched him!... In Ya Boot!

by Stumcc April 13, 2015

Wobbly Boot

To be drunk.

Having the "wobbly boot" on means to be drunk. It is an Australian slang term.

By the time I got back to the pub, John already had his wobbly boot on.

by Captain1243567 February 12, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boot Fuck

1. A Derogatory term used to instill fear in the said future boot-fuck recipient. 2. To kick somone rediculasly hard with a foot or boot in the rectum, so as to penetrate it.

Kirby, If you don't shut up i will boot fuck you from over here. I mean it.

by Youcrazyshit October 16, 2005

96๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

killing boots

Any footwear that has been worn by a person whilst that person killed another person(s).

My friend's uncle fought in World War II. He was wearing these very same boots when he shot another man to death. They're what I call my "killing boots"

by Steam Machine September 2, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž