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Billy bullshit

Bully bullshit a rather quaint phrase which in short is bullshit - lies, fabrication, crap, shit stirring you name it - billy bullshit. It was what bullshit detectors where made for. It's a bit like fucking someone around cause you think you can. In reality a person just shit stirring. Causes a problem with a hint or rather a large dose of bullshit.

Example: I spy with my little nose a whiff of Billy Bullshit.

by Moscow Woman July 1, 2020

Bullshit Police

A fictional police force for those who bullshit.

George: "I'm totally gonna fail this exam"
Peter: "Someone call 911 and call in the Bullshit Police"

by bspigs November 3, 2013

The Madden Bullshit

When your Playing madden. Especially madden mobile. And the CPU absolutley destroys you no matter what coverage you go into, What plays you pick and how much better your team is than theirs is. The A.I. Wipes out your team and upsets you by throwing complete hail mary's and play actions all day, meanwhile your running back only get 2-3 yards a play, Your passes get swatted and picked off nearly every time. You get sacked as if your o line is non existent, and your defense lets their running back right go through the gaps.

Greg: I was playing Madden yesterday and my Cowboys got wrecked 10-24 by the lions some how.

Liam: What can I say that's The Madden Bullshit!
Greg: God, I need to get rid of this game!

by Anonymousgamer21 November 17, 2021

Bullshit Shit

The worst insult you can give anything.

Rick and Morty are freaking bullshit shit and the other one's the important shit shitster on the shit block of cheese in the morning.

by Jack the Douche April 4, 2019

tweaker bullshit

Run- around and scam activites and problematic situations associated with tweakers

I don't have time for this tweaker bullshit.

by Welldur March 12, 2019

disney bullshit

A phrase use when something or someone non-Disney says or does something that is Disney-like

What is this Disney bullshit

by Swords Clan Entertainment March 30, 2016

Bullshit Button

Button that says nothing but bullshit

I own a Bullshit Button

by Jeff The Beast March 22, 2017