A fine ass woman, that freezes your eyes on her and you can't stop looking, making you want to blast her...
"Dam bro, look at that chilly blaster over there! She's freakin gorgeous!"
When One person in sex excretes from his anus into the other beings anus, then does them in the anus with there penis or strap on.
Hey you wanna chilli pot hole?
The act of rubbing chilli/chilli flakes on your penis and inserting into a woman whilst they are on their period.
Remember when Cunningham got a Columbian Chilli Dog from that chick last night
When an uncircumcised man has intercourse with a woman on her period and leaves the mixture of semen, vaginal juices and period blood to curdle/ferment inside his foreskin for several days. Once the mixture has sufficiently curdled she licks the delicacy off during oral sex.
We had sex while she had her period so I didn’t wash my penis for 3 days and gave her a “chilli cheese dog”.
When a Chaya or a Lily ejaculates on ones toes then wiggle them, and while being wiggled you shove the toes in someones buttcrack screaming CHILLLLLAY! in a very sexy orgasmic way.
Oh, we were fooling around one night and we did the Imaginitive Chilly, oh what a sensation!
Face value without bias or prejudice. ; Transparency to the core; Amped up volume not considering the quiet neighbors
I only do the 1,2 no 3,4 Raw Chilly
When a guy shoves his penis in a females ass and when he pulls it out there is shit on the penis.
“Lauren when is the last time u shit u just gave me a chilli dog”.