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Cool ore than chase

Chloe cooler than chase

by Chick pot pie September 24, 2018

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A dramatic girl you can never trust with secrets. She will bully you, and stab you in the back! Don't trust a chloe, she will be mean and tell you lies.

Wow, this Chloe girl sure is rude, she has bullied most of the girls in school.

by bing--bong--_ May 12, 2020

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If stoned is a term of drug addiction, then Chloe is indefinitely bouldered. A frequenter of the opium dens of Chinatown, Chloe takes a fervent pleasure in indulging in a variety of narcotics from baby cough drops to elephant tranquilliser. Her geographical knowledge knows no bounds and knows not only her arsehole from her elbow but also which country she currently resides in. A love of penetration of the back door passage is one of the few past times which manages to stop her from injecting heroin into her veins, however when it comes to entry of the rear end Chloe does require a much more sizeable prick than heroin.

That's Chloe, she likes big pricks and not just from heroin needles

by gymboy101 November 26, 2019

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Most funniest girls you will ever meet she is amazing not that smart in some ways really pretty but doesn’t think she is has lots of friends that love her soooo muchhh

Does some stupid stuff but doesn’t get caught becouse she is sneaky. Also usually has blue eyes an very pretty hair

Dude do you see that girl over thier

Yea that’s Chloe

I thought so she looks like one

by Roabout November 26, 2019

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a bad ass bitch who doesn’t let anything get in the way

Chloe you’re a bad bih

by lolololololjustgirlythings November 19, 2018

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Most beautiful person ever and the best girlfriend ever calls herself ugly but is really cute really nice

Hey that’s Chloe

Clay yea she’s so beautiful

by Johndjdjfkdkdkdkks December 9, 2019

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She’s the best friend you all wish to have , she’s not like everyone , funny , PRETTY ASF , way more words can’t describe how amazing she is . She’s the one you can count on . If she ever tells you a secret feel special. Obsessed with boys lmao , lazy 24/7 I love to FaceTime her she just means the world to me ILY 🥺

Chloe means the whole damn world to me .
Choles mine not urs duh .

by ava :)) May 27, 2020

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