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milky cowboy

A tall, lanky fella who loves technology but struggles with his inner sexual identity.

I'm trying to name this record label but this Milky Cowboy keeps shooting down my ideas!

by ButtShrex May 23, 2019

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

reverse cowboy

A sex position whereby the man is lying on his back and the woman is on top riding his cock but facing in the opposite direction.

I'm so tired of the missionary position, let's try reverse cowboy. Giddie up girl, but damn, face the other way, you are ugly.

by JCE December 2, 2005

715πŸ‘ 683πŸ‘Ž

Dallas Cowboys

the shittiest football team in the history of the NFL. Even worse than the Lions. Every year that the Cowboys have made the playoffs since the 90's, they choked because they are a bunch of looser cock suckers that are just jealous of other teams because they suck. and their quarterback ,Tony Homo, is a mark ass trick that is afraid

hey who won the giants and cowboys game today??

dude do you even have to ask?? the Dallas Cowboys suck dick

oh, my bad. that was a dumb question. fuck the cowboys

by cowboys suck June 8, 2009

557πŸ‘ 525πŸ‘Ž

australian cowboy

When having anal sex with a female right before ejaculation grab her hair tight and yell out her sisters name. If she does not have a sister her mothers, best friends, or daughters name will do. Then hold on tight for the ride.

I gave Becca an Australian cowboy last night and stayed on almost eight seconds.

by stewb March 18, 2014

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

cowboy coffee

4 oz fresh coffee
4 oz Tennessee whiskey

Garrett: "How 'bouta cuppa cowboy coffee!?"

Will: "Daaaaaang."

by Double Dang March 2, 2010

22πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

cowboy poetry

Happy hour at a western bar or saloon that old cowboys frequent, to tell stories to everyone and no one.

My afternoon is going to be so much better if ole Rockne is down at Slopeside’s Cowboy Poetry drinking a bourbon!

by HelloBrisket April 28, 2021

cushion cowboy

(sexual) A male that places his penis in between the cushion of a chair of sofa in order to sexually stimulate himself.

Joe: Dude, I haven't been laid in 6 months.

Tom: Ouch, how do you get by?

Joe: I've become a cushion cowboy.

by Ben E-wing November 13, 2010