When a co-worker who you've shared your calendar with uses it to stalk you and challenge you on why they weren't invited to the meeting also.
Sandy is always calendar creeping me so now I make all my appointments private and tell her I have medical appointments for my rash.
A preterstar statement that is said when coming across a freak or elaborating on a subject about a freak who isn't actually a real freak. They often times use the label freaky to cover up their "ESOD" (excessive sex obsession disorder); when they should be getting psychological cleansing.
Dude: Help me! I'm horny!
Lady: You're always horny. Has there ever been a time when you're not???
Dude: No! Why?
Lady: Because, it isn't mentally healthy to feel this way or have sexual thoughts on the brain; all day everyday. I like sex too and I understand that us people sometimes get in our freakish moods, but it should never stay there for a long period of time. The sexual urges are supposed to come and go.
Dude: If I'm not mistaken, you said you like sex; right?
Lady: Yes I did!
Dude: But you're insulting me because I enjoy it
Lady: No I'm not and sex isn't the problem! It's just the way we look at it. You're obviously unstable and need to seek help immediately; if you allow sex to gain so much power over you to a point where... Number one: It starts to affect the relationship between you and the people you're close with! Number two: Can not hold a decent conversation with someone else without talking dirty and acting like a pig... Or worse, throwing bitch fits; if they refuse satisfy your sexual needs!!!! And number three: Too distracted to concentrate on what is important, when it's time to get serious.
Dude: So you're calling me crazy?
Lady: I'm calling you sick. "Freaks are creeps!"
Dude: Wtf who says freaks are creeps?
Lady: starlight.sl1996 said it!
Dude: You mean, Carol Anne?
Lady: Yes but not the Carol Anne from Poltergeist.
When you check out your facebook but keep your chat status changed to offline. That way no one knows you are online for hours facebook creeping on other people. You avoid being named that guy thats always on ie facebook whore. You also avoid being forced to chat with people you would rather not. Is easily spotted if you post or comment but do not appear as active in chat.
The third time after an annoying new facebook friend began chatting with me as soon I got on, I began silent creeping instead.
When a person tries to find information or stalks someone on any kind of social media.
So today I just found out that the thot I met earlier was page creeping. Thot
A crush on a creepy character from a movie
Just watched that movie 'dead man tell no tale' and I have a creep crush salazar
I think I have a new creep crush
When you have a long term girlfriend, but your out on a secret date with another woman, your creeping already, but you notice a girl while out on your secret date, and you do a number grab as she's at the bar, hopefully without your secret date noticing, you just preformed a double creep!
"was partying with a slut while the missus thought I was out with the lads, even managed to bag a number off another honey while said slut weren't looking, perfect double creep it was"
when someone takes naked pictures of the person they hooked up with that night while they are asleep and then shows all their friends the pictures and gives each other high fives
The Sleep Creep stealthily waits while his unsuspecting drunk partner falls asleep after orgasmic bliss only to be struck upon by the infamous Sleep Creep. The Sleep Creep takes photos of any exposed body part to keep as a trophy and memento to show all of his fellow Sleep Creepers. All the Sleep Creeps then have a round of laughs the next day over a round of drinks and plot for their next night of Sleep Creeping. The photos are not posted on the internet...that is just mean and could get you in trouble! ;-D
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