Emma is a beautiful, kind, caring, loving girl. An Emma is the beat thing that can happen to you. Emma can help you through anything and will always be there for you. Emma’s are overall amazing.
A very beautiful smart girl. She always wants to be the best and want everyone to like her. Sometimes she gets bullied but she takes a step back and thinks. She is wild, fun, crazy, and funny and a lot of people want to be around her. A lot of boys like her but she has strong relationships with hot guys. Out of her friends she is the bravest usually a daredevil. All the boys want Emma.
Guy 1- I want Emma as a girlfriend
Guy 2- I know right she is so beautiful and has the best personality
Girl 1- I wanna be just like Emma
Guy 1- to bad she has a boyfriend:(
4👍 1👎
emma is a fabulous, kind, very funny friend, she is easy to talk to and laughs at everything. emma can be shy at times, but when you get to know her she never shuts up and is quite boisterous. she has fabulous brown hair, bootiful blue eyes and fashionable blue glasses.
emma is my best friend. if anyone says other wise well throw them in a ditch. <3emm
Emma is a buatiful amazing person, even when she can sometimes get annoying. She has kind and pretty athletic she loves to joke around. She is also really playful and fun. She can sometimes be crazy and weird 😂. She can sometimes be shy, but she is a tomboy and if you mess with her friends or family better watch out because she’ll get you. Emma can sometimes be a daredevil. I know like three boys that have a crush on her. Emma is an amazing person and if you don’t know one you should totally go find one. Emma is my best friend!
Braylon: OMG hi Emma will u be my Valentin
Emma:(thinking- heck no!!) umm... sorry I can’t
She's the most sweetest girl I've ever met. Her long hair that's always a bit messy, her beautiful long lashes that'd always flutter when she looks at me. She's the one friend I'd never want to let go. I may not like girls, but for her I'd want to. I'd marry her if I was a guy. She's shown me many things and let me experience things I'd never be able to before.
She's my Emma. Everyone needs an Emma in their life.